My name is Rachel but I have several aliases. Most people irl call me Rach or Rae for short. However, I have also acquired a nickname from the gamertag I started using in 2020 which is Amerielle and thus Ame for short (pronounced Ah-May). Lastly, Geek… just geek nothing extra. Call me that and I promise I will answer 🙂 I have gotten old enough in age to where the most I will divulge is that I am in my 30s *teehee* I’m a writer with a passion for delving into anything from life experiences to technology, film, music and beyond.

The purpose of this blog is to do write ups about things that interest me and to share my opinions on them. I love art… both creating and collecting. I also play games on either my PC or my phone daily. Feel free to send me a hello via social media.