Category: Reviews

  • Amino, Where Have You Been All My Life?

    Amino, Where Have You Been All My Life?

    It’s been awhile since I’ve really just fallen in love (or heavy like) with any social apps. I’m a little burnt out on the infamous Facebook and I mainly just use it to lurk on family and friends now. I occasionally post things about food, date nights, and watching movies but its essentially a yawn fest user experience for me. I have also started to use my twitter account a bit more but it isn’t something I check everyday or have made a lot of connections with. I presume it could be because of the 140 character limit but I think there’s a little more to it than that such as the lack of engagement. I realize that getting people to interact with you should be at least a 50/50 effort but its just so much work. Some people are able to get interaction from their followers without putting in much action themselves but I don’t feel like I’m quite at that level. I definitely plan to continuously work on it though.

    The only other social platform I’ve used sporadically in the past years is Google+, I joined while it was still in beta stage and for quite some time it was my absolute favorite site to frequent. I’ve made a few friends from the site and initially met my hubby through the site as well so it has had its highlights for sure. Unfortunately within the past year or so its struggled to hold my interest. But never fear, Amino is here! 

  • Me & Windows Phone?!

    Me & Windows Phone?!

    “Note: this entry was previously written on my personal blog back in January but seemed relevant to my new site so I decided to re-share here.”

    Yes, you read correctly! As many of my friends on social networking and in real life know… I am a HUGE and very loyal “Android Geek”, so when I started telling people that I was using a Windows Phone I got some strange looks and some funny comments. All I can say is… desperate times call for desperate measures. When you have to make a carrier switch a little sooner than you’ve expected and you’re on a budget things happen!

    There was a part of me that considered getting a cheap Android phone instead, but with a budget of $100 the lower spec’d Android offerings left me unimpressed so I decided to give the Nokia Lumia 521 a chance. I’d heard mixed reviews and opinions about the devices and wanted to test one for myself.

    It’s been interesting to say the least, some days I feel like “OMG, come on first pay day so I can get back to my beloved Android” and others I’m like “eh, it’s not so bad”.

    I’ll be honest, the Windows Phone OS is not as bad as many people assume. It is fast, responsive… everything you expect a smart phone to be if you don’t rely on Google for most of your communication needs. Their “app store” leaves a lot to be desired but it does have some fairly popular cross-platform apps such as Pandora, Whatsapp, Angry Birds (because everyone loves that right?!) and even Instagram (Beta). I guess what I’m trying to get at is that its “sufficient”.

  • Ninja Turtles For A New Generation!

    Ninja Turtles For A New Generation!

    I recall shuddering in disbelief the first time I saw the preview for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Njnja Turtles film, but on opening day as the devoted fan that I’m am who watched the cartoons faithfully on Saturday mornings and had seen all the previous movies… I decided to go see it and bring my dad along with me.

    I was a little reluctant because it is a Michael Bay film, and because of the way the characters seem to be completely transformed. Anytime someone tries to revamp something from your childhood it’s a bit of a tough pill to swallow. You wonder if you’ll love it or hate it… and to my surprise I rather liked it. 

    Many people joke that the newly re-designed turtles look like Shrek which is quite laughable because when you look at older renderings of their characters… they kind of already did! But I can certainly understand the complaints. Leonardo with the bones over his chests, and Donatello with coke bottle glasses… I don’t remember any of that as a child. Oh and don’t get me started on the casting of Megan Fox as April O’Neil, she is definitely not a red head.
