Tag: iOS

  • Upgrade Time.

    Upgrade Time.

    Disclaimer: I am not important enough yet to be sponsored by anyone, therefore all products and brands in this post are mentioned solely based on my own personal experiences with them.

    I can recall the days when smart phones were using BlackBerry, Palm OS and Windows… no not Windows Phone, literally just a phone running a mini mobile version of Windows actual OS. Watching both Android and Apple innovate has been fun and while I have slowed down from my previous habit of getting a phone 2 or more times a year… I still love admiring the new releases. However, this year I am not just looking, but have had to debate on what I am actually going to upgrade to because my iPhone 11 is starting to show its age.

    It has been a great phone and got me through the pandemic very well. Not to mention, it’s in my favorite color (purple)! Yet, I have come to realize that based on the way I use my phone, I need more than 128GB. I’m one of those people who often plays mobile games; some of which vary in size from 5GB to as much as 10GB. Constantly having to offload the apps and then reinstall them can get old really fast. I also like to keep at least 5GB worth of music downloaded for airplane trips or when I may need some entertainment in an area with poor signal. If I could, I would probably download a few episodes of a show or perhaps a movie. Unfortunately, I know that even with backing up Photos, iMessage, etc. to the iCloud… I still do not have enough storage for my desired personal use.

    As a result, long before Apple’s event last week, I knew 256GB or more would be the minimum I would accept for my next phone. To be honest I did ponder going back to Android for a bit. I was a fanatic of theirs for awhile and even went as low as calling Apple fan’s sheep at one point. Things just change with time and there have always been things I like about both. I remember rocking an iPod Touch while having an Android phone in the early days just to be able to get some experience with both platforms. Android was always a favorite for customization but iOS always had snappy performance and prettier apps. I eventually got an iPhone 6S as my first iPhone and held onto that for quite a while. I have always loved that iPhones continue to get updated more often (and for longer) than most Android phones. They also seem to retain their value a lot better as well. I went back to Android when Google’s Pixel line first came out and bought its first two iterations, followed by a OnePlus 7 Pro.

  • Amino, Where Have You Been All My Life?

    Amino, Where Have You Been All My Life?

    It’s been awhile since I’ve really just fallen in love (or heavy like) with any social apps. I’m a little burnt out on the infamous Facebook and I mainly just use it to lurk on family and friends now. I occasionally post things about food, date nights, and watching movies but its essentially a yawn fest user experience for me. I have also started to use my twitter account a bit more but it isn’t something I check everyday or have made a lot of connections with. I presume it could be because of the 140 character limit but I think there’s a little more to it than that such as the lack of engagement. I realize that getting people to interact with you should be at least a 50/50 effort but its just so much work. Some people are able to get interaction from their followers without putting in much action themselves but I don’t feel like I’m quite at that level. I definitely plan to continuously work on it though.

    The only other social platform I’ve used sporadically in the past years is Google+, I joined while it was still in beta stage and for quite some time it was my absolute favorite site to frequent. I’ve made a few friends from the site and initially met my hubby through the site as well so it has had its highlights for sure. Unfortunately within the past year or so its struggled to hold my interest. But never fear, Amino is here! 

  • iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus, I Can Dig It!

    iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus, I Can Dig It!

    There are many people in my social circles online that loathe anything made by Apple regardless of whether it is an iPhone, iPad or even a MacBook, however I do not fit into that category… its doubtful that I ever will. I’m all about technology as a whole so while I’m a huge fan of Google and Android development I have no allegiance to any particular brand or manufacturer. 

    I love living in a world where I have the freedom to chose what I want, having options is great for all of us as consumers. Not to mention… a little healthy competition isn’t hurting anyone!

    One of the main reasons I’ve always overlooked the iPhone as a device worth having is because of the size. I LOVE big phones and ever since early last year when I got my hands on a Note 2 everything in comparison seems so itty bitty. I know that everyone has their own personal preferences so there may be some people who wanted iPhones to remain their previous size but I couldn’t be more excited about it. I’ve been a fan of iOS since last year with the release of iOS7 (which is what prompted me to finally get an iPad). 
