I’ve always had a knack for coming up with unique screen names for online profiles and extravagantGEEK is no exception. About 2 and a half years ago I decided that I wanted to start a new Twitter account that was personal but mainly covered things I had an interest in such as Android devices (phones and tablets) as well as computers and other things concerning tech… occasionally I’d tweet about a movie or two.
Unfortunately that Twitter profile flopped just like my personal one, not because it had no potential but because I got lazy and lost a bit of interest in Twitter.
Since then I had yet to use the name again with the exception of my Xbox Live gamer tag… but I always kept it in my pocket because it had a certain ring to it. If you were to look up the word “extravagant” in the dictionary you’d find a few variations of definitions but essentially it has been associated with spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful as well as exceeding the bounds of reason, as actions, demands, opinions or passions.
So lets face it, when it comes to technology or even seeing the newest movie… I’ve made my fair share of sacrifices just to have these things even though I don’t truly need them… thus one could say I’ve been extravagant. I’m very PASSIONATE about technology… my college major is evidence of that (Computer Networking Technology) and the geek part is self explanatory. I’ve always been a geek @ heart and an occasional nerd as well… I walk that fine line daily.