• Amino, Where Have You Been All My Life?

    Amino, Where Have You Been All My Life?

    It’s been awhile since I’ve really just fallen in love (or heavy like) with any social apps. I’m a little burnt out on the infamous Facebook and I mainly just use it to lurk on family and friends now. I occasionally post things about food, date nights, and watching movies but its essentially a yawn fest user experience for me. I have also started to use my twitter account a bit more but it isn’t something I check everyday or have made a lot of connections with. I presume it could be because of the 140 character limit but I think there’s a little more to it than that such as the lack of engagement. I realize that getting people to interact with you should be at least a 50/50 effort but its just so much work. Some people are able to get interaction from their followers without putting in much action themselves but I don’t feel like I’m quite at that level. I definitely plan to continuously work on it though.

    The only other social platform I’ve used sporadically in the past years is Google+, I joined while it was still in beta stage and for quite some time it was my absolute favorite site to frequent. I’ve made a few friends from the site and initially met my hubby through the site as well so it has had its highlights for sure. Unfortunately within the past year or so its struggled to hold my interest. But never fear, Amino is here! 

  • Hey There!

    Hey There!

    So, I haven’t updated this website in over a year and its pretty pathetic. The YouTube channel has been neglected for an even longer amount of time. In truth the past year has been a bit of a journey and I haven’t had the time or resources to keep up with the blog the way I originally intended… I’ve had two major surgeries within the past five months so for awhile my sole interest in getting on the internet involved streaming on Netflix, Hulu, Plex, etc and a few social media posts here and there. However, things are about to change a lot.

    I’m re-locating to the Atlanta, Georgia area next week to begin a new life with my hubby and no that’s not a pet name I’m legitimately getting hitched in the very near future and I’m excited about it. He’s my biggest fan and has always been extremely supportive of me starting this website. Even throughout my hiatus he’s told friends and co-workers about this blog because he’s proud of me. So I feel like that in combination with being around him every day is going to be a constant motivator to keep this thing running. I’ll have more time and energy to commit to giving it the attention it seriously deserves, FINALLY

    As for other changes in the past year aside from the health issues and getting married. I’ve purchased a PS4 since my last post and an iPhone 6s O_o (I still love android I swear, just wanted to try something new). I’m also going to be getting back into gaming on Xbox One soon too since I’m acquiring one by marriage, lol.

     My hubby is a tech head just like me so I plan to get him to assist me with a few things here and there. I also hope to get him to make an appearance on a few of my vlogs but that may take some begging. I definitely plan on uploading a new video sometime in September and posting more on here after I get settled in from my big move

  • The Resurrection of My Gaming Life.

    The Resurrection of My Gaming Life.

    I picked that title with a topic in mind, but let it be noted that I’m also hoping for a resurrection of this blog. I just got charged for another year of owning this domain name so I guess I need to do better… I took a hiatus for a few months not just from blogging but from social media in general.

    I’ve never been big on using Facebook but my Google+ account took a backseat in my life as well. Its a great platform for getting to know people with similar interests and I have met quite a few thanks to the Android BBQ and a few other random encounters. However, I felt like I was a bit too addicted to it and needed a break. But enough about that… lets get onto what I filled my time with as a result.

    I’ve always professed myself to be a gamer but to be honest, I haven’t been much of one since I was in high school and my earlier 20s. The only PC game I’ve played within recent years has been The Sims and my PS3 had been collecting dust for a while. The poor thing had been reduced to nothing more than a Blu-Ray and Netflix player. The only games I played consistently were Bejeweled and other miscellaneous crap on Facebook. I also had an Xbox 360 for awhile but the most I did on that was barely make it through the intro credits on Tomb Raider and lose my breath trying to play “Just Dance” with the Kinect. Oh and I can’t forget the attempt to play Borderlands 2 online with my ex… I kept dying and gave up, lol.

February 2025


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