I’ve never done a daily writing prompt before, but I logged onto WordPress this morning and it felt like a topic I could relate to. The simple answer to this question is that I love to write, but obviously, it’s a bit more than that. Otherwise, I would not be scrunching pennies together to keep my domain name and hosting every month.
There is something special about writing things and seeing others enjoy your words. This can apply to both fiction and non-fiction. I used to thoroughly enjoy getting feedback in my creative writing class in both college and high school. However, today we are focusing on blogs and I tend to lean towards non-fiction with those.
At present, I have one personal blog and this one. It was originally meant to be a tech blog but over time it’s become more about current pop culture in general with a sprinkling of personal bits as well. The joy I’ve had from writing on both through the past decade or so has been the interaction with my audience and followers. Whether it’s one comment or watching several people converse on a subject… it always warms my heart. I even get feedback directly at times via emails or through social media. It may seem like no one is reading based on the lack of comments but when I look at random visitor stats and see new followers it brings me a sense of pride.
There is something about knowing that people can relate to what you are talking about that is almost addicting. I’m an introvert so online is the easiest place to be my true self while I hide behind a screen. I’m more braver and more open with how I express myself. It doesn’t matter if I’m writing about relationships, family members, video games, or my favorite movies… There is always at least one person out there who can relate to it. Friends and strangers alike are always welcome to reach out to me here or on my socials. I’m literally an open book and having to put into words today why I blog has just made me realize how much I’ve missed not updating for the past couple of months.
As my niece likes to say “life is lifing” (I cringed typing that because I know it is not an actual word), but writing has always been an outlet for me that brings a sense of peace that not even therapy can provide. I hope to maintain this blog for many years to come and I will always keep writing in some form because of the euphoria it gives me. Thanks for reading and much love!